In Hollywood Beauty Clinic we are specialized in surgery and non-surgery cosmetic procedures whereby a group of famous doctors and distinguished experts handle the cases utilizing the latest techniques that meet our individual client’s ambitions and expectations. Thus, for the comfort of all our clients we have provided all information related to the beauty surgery procedure or (non-surgery beauty) concerns for our esteemed clients to be well informed and understand the nature of each treatment, its stages and what should be done before or after the procedure.  We have done this in full honesty and credibility.

Buttocks Augmentation procedure

Buttocks enhancement procedure depends on injecting self’s fats.  It can be performed through liposuction where the Doctor will suck excess fats from various parts of the body and re-inject them into the buttocks. Another method of enlarging buttocks is done through implanting silicone into the required area of the buttocks to give a natural and good look.

Both methodologies aim at projecting the buttock’s area as being roundly attractive. This way any imbalanced or sagged buttocks will be rectified.

  • Techniques Used in Buttocks Enhancing procedure

    • Self’s Fat Injection : Injecting self’s fats to enlarge buttocks, this method depends on VASER technic, it is absolutely safe whereby fat is  sucked from the areas that have cumulative fats thus isolating the blood from water after which it is injected into buttock areas (using very fine needles) to enlarge them and  make them look more attractive.
    • Implant Placement Silicone : In this technic, the buttocks are filled with silicone to solve the problem of sagging or tiny buttocks by making a small incision above the buttock’s muscles; the Doctor then implant the silicone fillings into the required area thus enlarging it so as to give a natural look. 
  • Candidates For Buttocks Enhancement

    • Persons enjoying good health with no diseases that prevent such operations.
    • Persons with unbalanced size of the buttocks like one buttock bigger or smaller than the other one.
    • Persons with very small size buttocks.
    • Persons with dangling buttocks (due to too saggy buttocks)
    • Persons suffering from buttock muscular dystrophy
  • Buttocks Pre-operation Advice

    • Strict adherence to Doctor’s instructions
    • Refrain from smoking for at least 6 weeks
    • Avoid taking aspirin, ibuprofen and other supplements to prevent bleeding during operation.
  • Buttocks Post-operation Advice

    • No sitting or sleeping on the back for a long period of at least 3 weeks.
    • Wearing corset for at least 3 weeks
    • No exercising or hard activities for 2 months
    • Do not lose weight after the operation so as not to waste the fast injected.
    • Regular buttock exercising for at least 10 years to maintain the operation’s result.
  • Fat Injection Buttocks Enhancement Stages

    • Preparation stage: where the doctor checks the buttocks to articulate the problem and the methods to be followed in the operation
    • Anesthesia stage: the patient will be under general anesthesia in this stage
    • Specify the areas: where there are fats to be sucked and reinjected into the buttocks.
    • Liposuction stage: applying VASER technique to suck the identified areas and give a harmonious shape to the body.
    • Fat injection stage: the fat is injected again using very fine needles after purification and separating it from blood and water in the targeted area. The doctor always takes into account that the buttocks should be circular and prominent in order to match the body’s dimensions.
    • The operation of buttock augmentation with fat injection takes from one to two hours, depending on the mechanism of the operation.
  • Implantation Buttocks Enlargement Stages

Stages are almost alike, except for one stage that is implanting, whereby a small incision is made in the  buttocks’ lower part. A silicone implant specially made for the buttocks is inserted either in the muscle or above the gluteal muscle of the buttocks, this is usually determined by the Doctor as he/she sees fit.