In Hollywood Beauty Clinic we are specialized in surgery and non-surgery cosmetic procedures whereby a group of famous doctors and distinguished experts handle the cases utilizing the latest techniques that meet our individual client’s ambitions and expectations. Thus, for the comfort of all our clients we have provided all information related to the beauty surgery procedure or (non-surgery beauty) concerns for our esteemed clients to be well informed and understand the nature of each treatment, its stages and what should be done before or after the procedure.  We have done this in full honesty and credibility.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

One of the most popular, simple and safe weight-loss procedures. In this procedure the stomach size is minimized by removing 70% of its original size, in which it helps reduce the amount of food intake.

Gastric sleeve surgery has different types and methods, which are determined by the doctor and according to the amount of fat and the person’s case.

  •  Candidates For Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    • Those who are obese or overweight.
    • Those who suffer from a fat mass of more than 35 kg of normal weight.
    • Those who are in good health, free from any problems that would hinder the operation.
    • Those between the ages of 18-65 years.
    • Those who do not suffer from stomach diseases such as ulcers or gastritis.
  • Pre Gastric Sleeve Surgery Advice
    • Stop eating completely for five hours before the operation.
    • Refrain from taking stimulants such as; Caffeine and Arabic coffee, to  smooth the anesthesia process.
    • Avoid medications that cause blood-thinning, such as ibuprofen.
    • Exercise for a certain period before the operation.
    • Refrain from eating foods that are saturated with fat or contain high calories.
    • Drink plenty of water before the operation.
    • Refrain from smoking for a month before the operation, because it reduces the level of oxygen in the blood.
    • Stop taking any type of blood thinner, such as; Green tea or vitamins in order to avoid bleeding during the operation.
  • Post Gastric Sleeve Surgery Advice

    • Drink plenty of water after the operation.
    • Stay away from drinks that contain gas or sugar.
    • It is recommended to take nutritional supplements that contain vitamins and calcium, for a month after the operation.
    • Continuing to abstain from smoking for two months after the operation.
    • Follow a healthy diet by a nutritionist, to get a healthy and balanced diet, containing proteins.
    • Drink only liquids for the first week.
    • It is recommended to exercise two weeks after the gastric sleeve operation.
  • The stages of the gastric sleeve operation

    • First, examine the patient’s body who is going to perform the gastric sleeve procedure, and determine the volume of the part that will be removed from the stomach, according to the person’s weight.
    • Second, the patient is given general anesthesia, so that he does not feel any pain at all.
    • Third, a very small and simple incision is made in the stomach, through which the endoscope is inserted, in order to remove part of the stomach.
    • The gastric sleeve operation takes a maximum of eight hours. In some cases the patients can leave on the same day, however, in some other cases the patient must stay at the hospital for two days.