Gynecomastia Surgery (Male Breast Removal Surgery)

Losing weight can help some men to treat gynecomastia. However, several cases cannot be treated this way due to the existence of plenty of glandular tissues that men cannot get rid of by losing weight in which case breast surgery becomes a necessity.


Gynecomastia Surgery is a simple procedure whereby a doctor makes a small incision on the both sides of the breasts using one of the latest techniques. After that, the doctor removes the fats and glandular tissues from the breast areas. Afterwards, the doctor reconstructs the surrounding of the breasts to give a natural look.


  • Techniques Used to Gynecomastia Surgery

Technique is selected based on patient’s case and breasts’ size:

–        Liposuction Technique: it removes the accumulated fat and glandular tissue

from underneath the breasts utilizing Vaser technique.

–       Surgical Removal Technique: an endoscope is used to remove the entire     breast including fats and glandular tissues.

–     Integration Technique: this technique is a merger of the two previous techniques whereby breasts under skin are removed through laser that fragment and liquify the fats.


  • There Are Several Non-Surgical ways to Remove Men’s Breasts such as:

–          Using some medical drugs that treat breasts.

–          Regular exercising.

–          Following a healthy diet.


  • Candidate Gynecomastia Surgery

–          Abnormal size of men’s breasts.

–          Notable Inflated breasts of surrounding tissues together with swelling.

–          Feeling pain when breasts are pressed.

–          Appearance of mass of tissues and glandular fats under the nipples.

–          Bulging/outstanding of nipples’ shape that is close to ossification.

–          Saggy breast.

–          Secretions discharge either from one or both nipples.

–          Appearance of some sores around the breasts.

The patient should see a doctor in case of any symptom in breast size or to assess the case.





  • Pre Gynecomastia Surgery Advice

–          Stop smoking for two weeks to one month before surgery.

–          Stop taking antibiotics, aspirin and anti-inflammatory drugs.

–          Refrain from taking any herbal supplement to avoid bleeding.

–          Stop taking any medications that might negatively affect the procedure.


  • Post Gynecomastia Surgery Advice

–          Sleeping straight without bending to avoid any surgery complications.

–          Complete rest for at least three days after surgery.

–          No alcohol and refreshments.

–          No smoking for two weeks to a month after surgery.

–          Adhere to taking pain killers and other medicines as prescribed by the doctor.

–          No stressing or exercising for two weeks after surgery.

–          No driving during the first days after surgery.

–          Take liquids in the first days after surgery until starting to take solid foods gradually through a diet system.


  • Gynecomastia Surgery Stages

Men breast surgery is a simple procedure, that has few stages as follows:

–          First, anesthesia is applied.

–          Second, making a small incision by the both sides of the breast using one of the three techniques.

–          Third, removing fats and breast glandular tissues and then reconstructing the  surrounding area to look completely natural.