In Hollywood Beauty Clinic we are specialized in surgery and non-surgery cosmetic procedures whereby a group of famous doctors and distinguished experts handle the cases utilizing the latest techniques that meet our individual client’s ambitions and expectations. Thus, for the comfort of all our clients we have provided all information related to the beauty surgery procedure or (non-surgery beauty) concerns for our esteemed clients to be well informed and understand the nature of each treatment, its stages and what should be done before or after the procedure.  We have done this in full honesty and credibility.

Gastric Botox Surgery

This technique is one of the best non-surgery and safe technique that applies speculum to get rid of excess weight and shapes a perfect body. Botox is injected into the stomach the same way it is done on the face area. It works by relaxing the stomach muscles and then thereby minimizing contraction which in turn leads to  minimizing hunger and mussel’s movement. As a result,  the patient dose not feel like eating much food, which together with exercising, result in losing excess weight.  

  •  Candidates for Gastric Botox Surgery

    • Those who have an excess weight (few kilograms).
    • Who could not control their appetite and failed to lose weight despite following a strict diet frequently.
    • Those who suffer from any disease in the digestive system.
    • Those who suffer from excess weight and obesity.
    • Those who suffer from chronic diseases, such as diabetes, heart problems and high blood pressure.
  • Pre Gastric Botox Surgery Advice  

    • Stop smoking for 2 – 6 weeks before surgery.
    • Stop taking any medicine that affects the stomach secretions as it might cause problems during surgery.
    •  Avoid taking blood-thinning drugs such as aspirin and ibuprofen.
    • Stop taking food 12 hours before surgery to avoid vomiting or nausea during surgery.
  • Post Gastric Botox Surgery Advice

    • Do not take any food/drink before recovery from anesthesia to avert taking excessive food unconsciously.
    • Avoid stress and hard work for three days after surgery.
    • Adhere to an appropriate diet with a limited amount of food.
    • Exercise applying fat-burning exercises.
    • Complete rest after surgery until the end of the first day as the patient might feel dizzy due to anesthesia and endoscope.
  •  Gastric Botox Surgery Stages

Despite the fact that it is non-surgery technique, stomach Botox surgery might take 45-to-60 minutes. Surgery stages are as follows:

    • First, the doctor might spread anesthesia on the throat area to prevent a sense of annoying vomits during surgery. 
    • Second, Botox is injected into various areas of the stomach wall using the injection needle hanging on the endoscope, and into the stomach wall. This is done with extra care, not randomly, in order for the substance to paralyze the movement of the stomach by 50% of its natural rate in which case vomiting is greatly minimized.
    • Upon completion of injection, the Doctor removes the endoscope, in the same way it was inserted and the patient can leave the hospital on the same day leading his/her normal life without any problem.